Sunday, August 2, 2009

Da-da, Bye-Bye (Ba-ba), pulling up and crawling!

So as you all know from my last post Makana is saying da-da and bye-bye. She is crawling ALL over the place and is getting in to everything! She has also started pulling up on the side of her crib (which is still at momma's) and the side of her playpen. She woke me up this morning by trying to crawl over me and she hit her head on our night stand. She is growing more and more everyday and though I know she will still be my little girl for a while (well really forever) I still dread the day she turns one! I want her to still be my sweet baby who needs mommy, but before I know it she'll be big enough to feed and dress herself! I'm already missing the last few months and she's only eight months old!! Anyway, this is my vent for today!!

By the way Baby Stellan (earlier post) is doing so much better and will hopefully be going home very soon!!! Praise God!