Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Baby is Turning One!

Well a little over a week ago Makana said Mama for the first time THEN yesterday she took her first step! She will be one a week from tomorrow and it makes me sad! It seems like it was just yesterday that we brought her home... She is our little princess and we will be celebrating this amazing little girl on Saturday. I thank God everyday for my beautiful, healthy little girl who by His Grace has made our lives and the lives of everyone she encounters so much better.

I LOVE YOU MAKANA ANN! May God bless your special day and the many more to come!
Love, Mommy.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The beach or a nap...

SO she did great on the way down here yesterday! She rode in her car seat for about 4 hours straight with no fussing! She slept good last night and we got up this morning to get ready to go to the beach. She was happy and awake until we got there... We were going to take pictures and let MAW test out the sand and the water... Well she sat in the sand for about 5 minutes with Ja Ja (Jackie) and was fine until we put her hand in it... Then we stood her at the edge where the waves were breaking so she good test the water and she literally crawled up Ja Ja's legs... Then she preceded to cry and so I gave her a juice bottle and she went to sleep, but then we decided it was time to come back to the hotel and let her take a nap. So we took her out in the water and rinsed the sand off at which point she was fine... We came back anyway so now MAW and Saba are taking a nap and in about an hour we will get ready to go to the wedding... So no we did not take pictures and in the video I got of her on the beach she is crying... I guess we can try again tonight and tomorrow before we head back....Next time we'll choose the NAP!

Monday, August 24, 2009


Quick Update! MAW slept in her own bed that first night and has slept there every night since! She still sleeps comfortably from 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. the only difference? Mommy and Daddy get to sleep comfortably too! She is crawling, pulling up and talking even more. She even stood up by HERSELF for about a minute last week! Before we know it she'll be walking!
She'll be nine months old tomorrow and I look at her today and can't believe that so much time has gone by. She is becoming more and more independent and I'm not ready for my little baby to grow up!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Bed

Well we have finally moved Makana Ann's crib to OUR house! It has been at momma's for over 8 months now (closer to 9 or 10) and we moved it to the house today!! She will spend her first night in her own bed tonight... I don't know if I'm happy about that yet or not! I'll update and let you know!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Da-da, Bye-Bye (Ba-ba), pulling up and crawling!

So as you all know from my last post Makana is saying da-da and bye-bye. She is crawling ALL over the place and is getting in to everything! She has also started pulling up on the side of her crib (which is still at momma's) and the side of her playpen. She woke me up this morning by trying to crawl over me and she hit her head on our night stand. She is growing more and more everyday and though I know she will still be my little girl for a while (well really forever) I still dread the day she turns one! I want her to still be my sweet baby who needs mommy, but before I know it she'll be big enough to feed and dress herself! I'm already missing the last few months and she's only eight months old!! Anyway, this is my vent for today!!

By the way Baby Stellan (earlier post) is doing so much better and will hopefully be going home very soon!!! Praise God!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bye-Bye and DaDa

Makana Ann is now eight months old!
My sweet baby girl will now say bye-bye (ba-ba) and DaDa. Not that she necessarily understands the meaning but she might. She says bye-bye when we leave and she will say DaDa until her daddy pays attention to her so I guess she does!She also has a temper! She will scream and headbutt when she doesn't get her way (which isn't very often!) Well, I just wanted to give a quick update!!

PLEASE PRAY FOR BABY STELLAN AND HIS FAMILY! You can follow Mckmama and Stellan's story at
http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ or http://twitter.com/MckMama.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Four months and one day

Has anyone heard the old wives tale about a child having to fall off the bed before they are a year old or something bad will happen?? Well my aunt-in-law brought it up last week and I asked my mother and mother-in-law about it but no one seems to have heard of it...
Well my sweet angel doesn't have to worry about that something bad now... She crawled right off my bed yesterday. She was asleep on my bed (I know you aren't supposed to put them in your bed but...) and her daddy got home and she decided to go find him and crawled right off! I feel so bad! We watched her last night to make sure she was okay and she acted just fine... I still feel bad though!!
SO here is another milestone in her life! She fell off the bed for the first time two days before she was 8 months old... Guess what? She now takes naps in the living room floor!

The Beginning

My name is Kristin and I am the mother of a beautiful baby girl and the wife of the most wonderful man ever! This blog is going to mark the mile stones in my daughter's life and for some reason I just decided to start this today instead of almost eight months ago... So I have some catching up to do.
Makana got her first tooth at 5 months and her second tooth at 7 months. And she started to crawl at 6 months. She is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen (I'm bias) and she has her daddy wrapped around her little finger. She came into this world on November 25,2008 at 9:06 p.m. and was in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) until December 4,2008.
This is easier than keeping a journal with pen and paper so here is where I will write my daughter's story from my point of view. From a mother's point of view.