Saturday, September 26, 2009

The beach or a nap...

SO she did great on the way down here yesterday! She rode in her car seat for about 4 hours straight with no fussing! She slept good last night and we got up this morning to get ready to go to the beach. She was happy and awake until we got there... We were going to take pictures and let MAW test out the sand and the water... Well she sat in the sand for about 5 minutes with Ja Ja (Jackie) and was fine until we put her hand in it... Then we stood her at the edge where the waves were breaking so she good test the water and she literally crawled up Ja Ja's legs... Then she preceded to cry and so I gave her a juice bottle and she went to sleep, but then we decided it was time to come back to the hotel and let her take a nap. So we took her out in the water and rinsed the sand off at which point she was fine... We came back anyway so now MAW and Saba are taking a nap and in about an hour we will get ready to go to the wedding... So no we did not take pictures and in the video I got of her on the beach she is crying... I guess we can try again tonight and tomorrow before we head back....Next time we'll choose the NAP!